Semoga catatan ini dapat kita kongsi bersama untuk memperbaiki hubungan dengan kumpulan kerja kita termasuk kakitangan dibawah seliaan kita.Sesungguhnya kakitangan adalah aset dan tulang belakang setiap organisasi untuk mencapai kecemerlangan.
- Focus on the good points in subordinates and let them know that they are are highly valued.
- Give them credit when credit is due.Admit your mistake and accept constructive critism from subordinates.
- Open minded and do not adopt the" know it all "attitude.
- Do not reprimand ( menegur ) subordinates in presence of others.
- Do not play Favouritism.( pilih kasih )
- Show concern for each subordinates growth and self improvement.Help them to overcome job-related problem.
- Treat subordinates with the utmost respect and dignity.Avoid bossy.
- Empathize,always try to see the subordinates point of view.
- Let subordinates know how well they are doing on their job.provide performance feedback periodically.Fedback must be immediate , specific and sincere